What is
is open source ,free framework created by Taylor Otwell ,used for developing web
application using MVC model.
whats MVC?
M-Model is used for communicating with database.
V-View is the interface that we show in browser
C-Controller isplace where we write business logic or
algorithm, we can get form data manipulate in and store it in database using
me give u example ,imagine you want to add two numbers in laravel as follows
we accept two inputs from
user so we create view that has form and two inputs field and submit button .
we write business logic
that is addition of two inputs in controller
Store it in addition table using model.
So you got the idea how each one is necessary.
difference between laravel & core php?
- Laravel is framework we have controllers where we write business logic , views where we show data and forms , model used to interact with database ,whereas in core php we cant differentiate this ,.
- Laravel comes with basic authentication which is session based and also token based.we will discuss it in later post whereas in core php we have to write authentication logic.
- In core php we have to write code for each basic features whereas Laravel provides helper functions which can be used in code anywhere without need to write a single logic.Helpers are provided for-
- Array.
- Strings
- Urls
- Paths
- Modification in core php is time consuming ,and mostly if customer ask for project enhancement which is developed in core php ,nearly 50% developers says no .In framework we need not worry about changes ,changes are welcome because we just need to add views , register routes ,write business logic in controller and you all set.
According to tutorialspoint -
Comment if you have any doubts in this post.