Laravel 5.3 making life better.
Install laravel 5.3
“Composer create-project laravel/laravel
laravel53 dev-develop”
Directory Structure :
laravel 5.3 directory structure easylaravel blog
Simplified Routes in parent folder named “routes”
Routes.php in laravel is provided in parent folder of laravel
project with two files:
1. Web.php
All web application routes are entered in routes/web.php.
laravel 5.3 routes/web.php for web routes- easylaravel blog |
2. Api.php
All api route calls
should be written in routes/api.php file .The advantage is that we get
prefix added and required middleware’s
are only applied for api calls such as ‘api.auth’ and throttle.
laravel 5.3 routes/api.php for api routes- easylaravel blog
laravel 5.3 routes/api.php for api routes- easylaravel blog |
Events,listener,policies :
Keeping newbie’s in mind,laravel has
made directory structure more concise by showing only what is needed to make
application run.Folders like ‘events’,’jobs’,’policies’ are not shown.
You wont see it until u run the command.When you create events or
jobs the event directory is created with event file in it.
directory structure
Query builder returns collection
Apply methods on collection in laravel 5.3
query builder.In laravel previous version query builder did not returned any
collections when DB::raw() queries were run, so we were not able to use
collection method on them. So to make our life more easier laravel has added
this functionality.