Routing in Laravel Framework
- Basic Routing
- Routing allows user to route to a specific file or url which is mentioned in app/Http/routes.php
which is loaded by the App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider class.
Larvel Provides basic routing as follows :
return "Hello User";
Now ,
- Routing with Parameters
- We can capture any input or example :"username " from the URL,by defining routes as follows:
return "username :".$username;
Note: Routes parameters are always encased (enclosed) in curly braces like this
"{}".Since we get value of route parameter from above code we can do anything with that variable like search for record or save it in database. - Regular Expression in Routing
- You can add regular expression to your routing parameters using where method on routes instance .The where method accepts the name of parameters and a regular expression defining how the parameters should be constrained or conditioned :
- We will discuss advanced Routing in Next Post.